The #1 Thing that STOPS You From Losing Belly Fat: Not Sugar or Carbs

The Surprising Culprit Hindering Your Ability to Lose Belly Fat: Alcohol In this blog post, we will discuss a major factor that can hinder your ability to lose belly fat. While many people believe that sugar or carbs are the main culprits, there is another…

Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal for Weight Loss?

Breakfast Not the Most Important Meal for Weight Loss “Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal for Weight Loss?” Breakfast is widely touted as not only the most important meal of the day in general, but specifically in relation to weight loss.This is not just a…

Nadya Andreeva: A healthy lifestyle you can stomach

My name is Nadia and I’m a little bit nervous because I’m gon na have to get undressed in front of you. But before I start, I wanted to ask a question: how many of you had a status Factory poop this morning by show…